Dec 16

Nifty Negotiation Tactics for Timetablers

Successful timetabling is just as much about managing people and expectations as it is people-in-rooms. Read on for tips of how to negotiate with key stakeholders (and others!).
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Successful timetabling is about handling people as well as complex data. You need to have a good grasp on your three Cs; communication, compromise and collaboration.

Why? Because the people you need on side often have their own ideas and opinions when it comes to the timetabling process. 

And while their ideas might hold merit, it’s you that has the view of the bigger picture, and you who will sometimes need to offer alternatives – or deliver a firm “no” to suggestions!

So how do you negotiate fairly, without giving rise to conflict?

Here’s a three-step process to start you off:

1. Know who you’re negotiating with

Good negotiators are confident about who their key stakeholders are. Lots of people have opinions – but this doesn’t always make them an essential part of the process! 

There are some great tips here on identifying your key stakeholders – who they are and where they might fit into your planning cycle. 

2. Listen

As timetablers, we naturally want to find the best solutions using our knowhow. But it’s important to let colleagues share their views too. Apply the 70/30 rule – you have two ears and one mouth. Ask open ended questions that help diagnose any concerns they may have.

3. Use the ABC rule

Once you’ve listened, apply the ABC rule:

Acknowledge: mirror your colleague’s concerns. You could say “I understand why you feel this is important, thank you for sharing it with me.” 

Bridge: link their suggestions back to what you’re trying to achieve. Try “I think the real issue here is….”. This also gives you the chance to put forward your opinion and help the other person see a different point of view.

Convey: bring focus back to your outcome and take control of the negotiation, starting with “here’s what I think we should do.”

You can find more top negotiation tips for timetablers on our LinkedIn page. 

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