
Survey your surroundings

Get the reliable data you need to get the most from your office and teaching space. Move with the times, reduce demand, free up more space at peak times, and get a timetable that works for you, your academics and your students.

Why choose Escentral?

We’re smooth (survey) operators

You’re busy, and the last thing you want is a survey causing endless questions or extra problems to solve. We’ve been conducting surveys for over a decade. Each survey is meticulously planned and our survey teams carefully selected and expertly trained. So your survey runs like clockwork and we don’t get in your way!

Get more than just data

Get your data, in your preferred format, fast. We then draw on our decades of HE, timetabling and space management experience to give you insightful and actionable recommendations to get you closer to where you want to be. All wrapped into an extensive consultancy report, alongside detailed data analysis that can be shared across your university.  

Surveys we can help with

Teaching and office space utilisation surveys

Understand how well your space is being used, and get realistic recommendations for how to improve it.

Functional suitability survey

Are your teaching spaces fit for purpose or is it a case of “could try harder”? We’ll help you make sure your space is right for your students.
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