Teaching Space Modelling

See the impact of changing teaching space demands

Teaching space needs change all the time. Student numbers go up and down. Teaching delivery methods evolve. Campus buildings open and close.

Our bespoke data modelling service can help you predict any scenario – whether you know it’s coming or want to see the potential impact of a change before you decide whether to go ahead with it. We can literally help you to see into the future - and make a plan for it, too.
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Change happens (but you and your teaching spaces will be ready for it!)

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Whether you’re already anticipating change or want to be prepared for different ‘maybes’ we can help.

Universities have used our bespoke data-modelling service to:

  • Understand the impact of downsizing their estate on teaching space availability and running costs.
  • Help decide whether to open new buildings or grow their overall campus space.
  • Work out how they can accommodate changes in student numbers – either within their current spaces or by opening up new ones.
  • Explore how they can accommodate changes to the way they teach.
  • Explore ideas that could improve student experience, such as making changes to core teaching hours or when students are on campus.

We do the legwork for you

Sounds like a big job? It is, but we’re here to make it easy.

We gather the right data from the right people. Test and improve its accuracy. Then use it to create a bespoke data model that shows you the impact of different scenarios and helps you meet your goals. At the end, we’ll make recommendations to help you achieve them, too.  

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Ready to futureproof your teaching spaces? Take the first step and book a chat.

Why choose Escentral?

We’re swift scenario planners

Data modelling is complex and time consuming. But we bring bags of experience. And with our help, you can get the benefit of foresight, without the long trek. Once we understand your goals we’ll do the rest – collecting, analysing and presenting everything back to you inside the timeframe you need.
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See the future from every angle

Our bespoke data modelling software is like magic – turning your data into dishy dashboards that can show you the outcome of different scenarios at the touch of a button. Easily see the impact of changes (or potential changes) so you can make informed decisions about your organisation's future.
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Empty space, drag to resize

For this service we've worked with:

  • Anglia Ruskin University
  • Birmingham City University
  • Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • London College of Fashion
  • Truro College
  • University for the Creative Arts
  • University of Birmingham
  • University of Gloucestershire
  • University of Leicester
  • University of Portsmouth
  • University of South Wales
  • University of Swansea
  • University of Winchester
Ready to futureproof your teaching spaces? Take the first step and book a chat.

How it works

Understand your goals

We meet with you and your stakeholders to understand the changes you’re planning – or want to plan for – and what you’d like to test. Then we set out a clear project plan.

Work with your data

We do all the data collection and crunching. Then we use our bespoke data modelling software to turn it into intelligent insight that shows you how your different scenarios could impact your teaching space.

Refine and retest

This is where our data modelling software comes into its own – easily allowing multiple scenarios to be tested. We meet with you each week to present findings and discuss any new variables to explore - refining and retesting until you have the picture you need of what your future estate could look like.

Reporting, dashboards and support 

Based on your goals, we’ll make recommendations on the changes you can make with the aim of improving teaching space and operational efficiency. All outlined in a written consultancy report, with detailed conclusions and recommendations for implementing each change.

We then work with you so you can gain the buy-in you need to turn these recommendations into actions and start to improve the cost efficiency and effectiveness of your organisation's operations.


Post-project we can easily revisit your data modelling project, incorporating new data and parameters and testing the impact these have. We can do this quickly and cost effectively, meaning that we can continue to support you year-on-year at an affordable price. 

Let’s get modelling

Ready to futureproof your teaching spaces? Take the first step and book a chat.
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