Jul 25

University Challenge: Helping Liverpool John Moores Plan the Future of its Estate

Can you predict how much teaching space you’ll need in the future, down to the nearest square metre?

The space team at Liverpool John Moores University can – using the space prediction model we created for them!

Empty space, drag to resize
We built a bespoke tool that draws from timetable data and accounts for ‘fluctuating’ factors such as student numbers, term lengths and changes to room layouts and features.

The result? Now the team can predict the precise amount of space required for upcoming terms. Data can be spilt handily by space type and by school/ campus, too.

Our model is giving useful insight into the university’s longer-term space challenges, too. It can predict the impact of a specific scenario – let’s say a rise student numbers - on the space available, and is helping the team to have much more informed conversations about the future of its estate!

We can build a bespoke space model to help you make the most of your university estate. Drop us a line to find out more.

Super support for your space management team

We work with universities around the UK to support them with:

  • Space Utilisation Surveys, Analysis & Reporting
  • Teaching Space Scenario Modelling
  • Office Workplace Scenario Modelling
  • Timetabling Team Support
  • Timetabling Team Management Support
  • Timetabling Strategy & Process Improvement
  • Timetabling Software & Processes Implementation
  • Return to Work Strategies

Super-size your space management skills on one of our courses

We also run courses throughout the year, delivered by our team of experts and the perfect place to take your space management skills to the next level. Why not take a look at what’s coming up? Check our space management courses out here.
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